X1 10 Cards Mystery God Pack Booster Pack Great Present or Gift Pokemon Cards TCG


9 in stock


X1 Randomly Generated God tier Booster Packs (each pack contains 10 Cards picked randomly. No duplicate cards inside same pack. X1 GUARANTEED V or VMAX Or GX or EX or Full Art or Holographic Promo card or High Tier Holo card per pack. X1 GUARANTEED Classic Wizards of the Coast Vintage Card per pack randomly drawn from the original Wizards of the Coast vintage sets, Base (and Base 2), Jungle, Fossil, Team Rocket, Gym Heroes, Gym Challenge, Neo Genesis, Neo Discovery, Neo Revelation, Neo Destiny, Southern Islands, Legendary Collection, Expedition Base Set, Aquapolis, Skyridge. Repacked inside Ultra Pro Team Bag sleeve)

Perfect gift or present for the Pokemon fan in your life!

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